This classic salad is great for summertime BBQ’s and potlucks.
Spiralized apples, or “apple noodles,” are the perfect topper to salads, to sweeten up a raw, veggie-filled slaw, or to crisp up by baking them...
This Roasted Apples, Potatoes and Sausage with Maple Mustard Glaze is a fantastic side dish for entertaining or a hearty dinner. Honeycrisp apples are an excellent choice,...
Wake up your taste buds with a festive and tropical meal. One taste of this grilled shrimp tostada topped with colorful apple and mango salsa...
You just can’t go wrong with this nibble… sautéed ground chicken mingled with water chestnuts, cilantro, sliced kale, onion and apple… yes, APPLE! A crisp...
This classic stuffing recipe gets a sweet-tart twist with delicious Piñata® apples. Your friends and family will love this unique dressing!
Pork tenderloin is a lean cut of meat that’s very easy to prepare at home.
Delicious Apple and Cherry Chutney is served atop walnut-crusted Brie and baguette toasts.
Blenders aren’t just for smoothies and soups! Here’s a breakfast bread made with one handy small kitchen blender. Be sure to give this recipe a...
This quick and easy tart takes a little longer to bake, but only two minutes to prepare.
If you’re looking to make an eye-catching pastry that doesn’t involve high-stress and time commitment like a pie, try your hand at making a galette. Pick...
This recipe originally appeared on, courtesy of user Melissa. Image credit: justNitra.