What's the best apple for apple smoothie?

Smoothies are a great way to get all the nutrients you need in one easy to drink recipe ghostwriter. Perfect for breakfast or an afternoon snack, smoothies are refreshing, filling, and pack a healthy punch. Try adding apples to your next smoothie for a boost of fiber and natural sweetness.

The best apple to use for smoothies is one that will break down easily in the blender. Piñata®, and Fuji embody this, not to mention add a pop of sweetness so there’s no need for added sweeteners app erstellen lassen. Red Delicious is another favorite for healthy smoothies, because this apple’s deep red color means it has lots of antioxidants.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Apple Recovery Smoothie

Pro tips

  • No need to peel the apple beforehand. Leave the skin on when making smoothies to get all their available nutrients.
  • Adding an apple to your morning smoothie is an easy way to add fiber to your diet.