This apple strudel recipe adds raisins, lemon rind, almonds and spices for a sweet, complex taste.
The art of the classic apple pie is a true labor of love. It’s not a quick process; it demands your full dedication and attention...
Sweet and crisp Honeycrisp apples are the star of this apple spice compote which tops a delicious homemade buttermilk cake and whipped Brie cheese frosting...
Warm and sweet homemade apple pie with a little something extra — flavored with your favorite chai spices! This recipe is from our friend Sally...
An upside-down cake made with apples and cherries instead of pineapples. Picture-perfect dessert!
This recipe originally appeared on, courtesy of user Janyce. Image credit: thursty9.
Granny Smith and Piñata® apples add sweet and tart flavors to a classic cheesecake with gingersnap crust. Homemade caramel sauce tops this elegant dessert which...
You don’t have to be German to appreciate Kuchen; a sweet cake filled with custard (typically) and fruit. This tasty dessert is a crowd-pleaser with...
An apple fritter is a wonderful hybrid of apple pie and a doughnut – and the best part is, it’s acceptable to eat any time...
Whether you are looking for a treat for your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day or other romantic occasion, or a simple and quick dessert that uses...
These little Mini Apple Pie Ice Cream Sandwiches are made with Stemilt’s beautiful Jonagold apples, but any firm apple will work! Apart from being able to make...
This recipe originally appears at, courtesy of user CLAUD1.